@unpublished{ITNYREPOID5737, month = {February}, author = {SEPTIAN ADI CAHYA}, title = {Analisis kestabilan lereng dengan probabilitas longsor metode monte carlo di PT. Firman Ketaun Perkasa kecamatan Melak kabupaten Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur}, school = {Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The research area is located in Melak Subdistrict, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Geographically, the area of PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa is limited by the East Longitude of 115? 43' 00" (BT) in the West to 115? 47' 30" (BT) in the East, as well as the South Latitude 00? 22' 30" (LS) in the North up to the South Latitude 00? 27' 00" (LS) in the South, with an area of 2,490 Ha. A safe and stable slope geometry design design is very necessary because success in the mining process is also determined by the presence of safe working conditions. Unsafe slopes can cause landslides so that it can have an impact on mining activities including causing loss of human life, causing losses and damage to equipment facilities owned by the company and disruption of production activities. There are several things that need to be considered in the design of slope geometry including the condition and structure of geology, the physical and mechanical properties of slope building materials and the height of the ground water level for a stable and safe slope. The design of the slope design is made by determining the balance between the geometry of the slope and the profits obtained by the company. In a design with a steep slope angle can maximize the reserves obtained by the company, but will increase the risk of the stability of the slope. Conversely, if the design of the slope with a sloping slope angle will reduce the reserves obtained by the company, but the risk of reliability will decrease. Based on the results of the model analysis of probability of failure to obtain the Optimum Safety Factor, it was obtained slope height of 80 meters with an overall slope value of 50,75?, slope height of 90 meters with an overall slope value of 43,5? and a height of 100 meters with an overall slope value of 41,2? = Daerah penelitian terletak di Kecamatan Melak, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Secara geografis, wilayah PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa dibatasi oleh garis Bujur Timur 115? 43? 00? (BT) di bagian Barat sampai dengan 115? 47? 30? (BT) di bagian Timur, serta garis Lintang Selatan 00? 22? 30? (LS) pada bagian Utara sampai dengan garis Lintang Selatan 00? 27? 00? (LS) pada bagian Selatan, dengan luas areal sebesar 2.490 Ha. Suatu rancangan desain geometri lereng yang aman dan stabil sangat perlu dilakukan karena keberhasilan dalam proses penambangan juga ditentukan oleh adanya kondisi kerja yang aman. Lereng yang tidak aman dapat menimbulkan longsor sehingga dapat memberikan dampak terhadap kegiatan penambangan diantarannya dapat menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa manusia , menyebabkan kerugian dan rusaknya fasilitas alat yang dimiliki perusahaan serta terganggunya kegiatan produksi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perancangan geometri lereng diantaranya yaitu kondisi dan struktur geologi, sifat fisik dan mekanik material penyusun lereng serta ketinggian muka air tanah untuk lereng yang stabil dan aman. Rancangan desain lereng dibuat dengan menentukan keseimbangan antara geometri lereng dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh perusahaan. Pada suatu rancangan dengan sudut lereng yang curam dapat memaksimalkan cadangan yang diperoleh perusahaan, namun akan meningkatkan resiko dari kestabilan lereng tersebut. Sebaliknya jika pembuatan rancangan lereng dengan sudut kemiringan yang landai akan menurunkan cadangan yang diperoleh perusahaan, namun resiko kestabilan lereng akan menurun. Berdasarkan dari hasil permodelan analisis Probabilitas Kelongsoran (Probablity of Failure) untuk memperoleh Faktor Keamanan yang Optimum maka didapatkan tinggi lereng 80 meter dengan nilai overall slope 50,75?, tinggi lereng 90 meter dengan nilai overall slope 43,5? dan tinggi 100 meter dengan nilai overall slope 41,2?.}, keywords = {stability, slope, safety, factor, probability, failure = kestabilan, lereng, faktor, keamanan, probabilitas, kelongsoran}, url = {https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5737/} }