@unpublished{ITNYREPOID5480, year = {2021}, month = {November}, author = {ADYANATA WARDANA}, school = {Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta}, title = {Permodelan bijih nikel untuk estimasi sumberdaya menggunakan metode inverse distance weight dan ordinary kriging pada blok e site waturambaha di PT.Sinar Jaya Sultra Utama, Sulawesi Tenggara}, abstract = {PT. Sinar Jaya Sultra Utama is a company engaged in mineral mining. It is located in Waturambaha Village, Lasolo Subdistrict, North Konawe Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in Block E which has an area of 20 ha. The purpose of this study was to find out the estimated resources at the location of block E, how much volume and tonnage of laterite nickel deposits and what the difference in laterite nickel reserves is using the Inverse Distance Weight method and the Ordinary Kriging method. The data needed in this study is data assay, collar, geology and survey using Surpac Software 6.3. From the data obtained, the limonit zone resource estimate using the Inverse Distance Weight method is to get a volume of 21250 m3 and tonnage of 32089 tons, the saprolite zone gets a volume of 75000 m3 and tonnage of 113250 tons, while the estimated resources using ordinary kriging methods in the limonit zone are getting a volume of 17500 m3 and tonnage of 286426 tons, and in the saprolite zone getting a volume of 90000 m3 and tonnage of 135901 tons, The results of the limonit zone resource estimate using the IDW method with a low grade ore level of 24538 tons, medium grade ore level of 5663 tons, hight grade ore level of 1888 tons, while the estimated yield of saprolite zone resources using the IDW method with a low grade ore of 49075 tons, medium grade ore level of 45300 tons, hight grade ore level of 113250 tons. And for the results of the estimation of limonit zone resources using the OK method with a low grade ore level of 16988 tons, medium grade ore level of 5663 tons, hight grade ore level of 3775 tons, while the results of saprolite zone resource estimation using the OK method with low grade ore level of 16988 tons, medium grade ore level of 5663 tons, hight ore level of 3775 tons. Based on the number of estimates of saprolite reserve tonnage using surpac software 6.3 method Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) and Ordinary Kriging produces a difference in resources between IDW and OK that is, for resources in the limonit low grade ore zone level 1.4\% - 1.6\% by 7,550 tons, medium grade ore level 1.6\% - 1.8\% by 3,775 tons and hight grade ore level {\ensuremath{>}}1.8\% of 1,888 tons. While the difference in reserves between IDW and OK in the saprolite zone is, for low grade ore resources levels of 1.4\% - 1.6\% of 13,212 tons, medium grade ore levels of 1.6\% - 1.8\% of 3,775 tons and hight grade ore levels of {\ensuremath{>}}1.8\% by 7,550 tons = PT. Sinar Jaya Sultra Utama merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan mineral. berada di Desa Waturambaha, Kecamatan Lasolo, Kabupaten Konawe Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Blok E yang memiliki luas 20 Ha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui estimasi Sumberdaya di lokasi blok E, berapa volume dan tonase endapan nikel laterit dan berapa selisih cadangan nikel laterit dengan menggunakan metode Inverse Distance Weight dan metode Ordinary Kriging. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data assay, collar, geology dan survey menggunakan Software Surpac 6.3. Dari data yang diperoleh yaitu Estimasi sumberdaya zona limonit menggunakan metode Inverse Distance Weight yaitu mendapatkan volume 21250 m3 dan tonase 32089 ton, zona saprolit mendapatkan volume 75000 m3 dan tonase 113250 ton, sedangkan estimasi sumberdaya menggunakan metode ordinary kriging pada zona limonit yaitu mendapatkan volume 17500 m3 dan tonase 286426 ton, dan pada zona saprolit mendapatkan volume 90000 m3 dan tonase 135901 ton, Hasil estimasi sumberdaya zona limonit menggunakan metode IDW dengan kadar low grade ore 24538 ton, kadar medium grade ore 5663 ton, kadar hight grade ore 1888 ton, sedangkan hasil estimasi sumberdaya zona saprolit menggunakan metode IDW dengan kadar low grade ore 49075 ton, kadar medium grade ore 45300 ton, kadar hight grade ore 113250 ton. Dan untuk hasil estimasi sumberdaya zona limonit menggunakan metode OK dengan kadar low grade ore 16988 ton, kadar medium grade ore 5663 ton, kadar hight grade ore 3775 ton, sedangkan hasil estimasi sumberdaya zona saprolit menggunakan metode OK dengan kadar low grade ore 16988 ton, kadar medium grade ore 5663 ton, kadar hight grade ore 3775 ton.Berdasarkan jumlah hasil estimasi tonase cadangan saprolit menggunakan software surpac 6.3 metode Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) dan Ordinary Kriging menghasilkan Selisih sumberdaya antara IDW dan OK yaitu, untuk sumberdaya pada zona limonit low grade ore kadar 1,4\% - 1,6\% sebesar 7,550 ton, medium grade ore kadar 1,6\% - 1.8\% sebesar 3,775 ton dan hight grade ore kadar {\ensuremath{>}}1,8\% sebesar 1,888 ton. Sedangkan Selisih cadangan antara IDW dan OK pada zona saprolit yaitu, untuk sumberdaya low grade ore kadar 1,4\% - 1,6\% sebesar 13,212 ton, medium grade ore kadar 1,6\% - 1.8\% sebesar 3,775 ton dan hight grade ore kadar {\ensuremath{>}}1,8\% sebesar 7,550 ton.}, keywords = {backup, data, content, tonnage, volume = cadangan, data, kadar, tonase, volume}, url = {https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5480/} }