eprintid: 5457 rev_number: 25 eprint_status: archive userid: 343 dir: disk0/00/00/54/57 datestamp: 2024-10-09 04:15:55 lastmod: 2024-10-09 04:15:55 status_changed: 2024-10-09 04:15:55 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: B, RIVALDO PHILIPUS C contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_name: Astuti, T. Listyani Retno contributors_name: Trianda, Obrin title: Geologi dan analisis porositas-permeabilitas batupasir karbonatan daerah Jatilawang dan sekitarnya, kecamatan Wonosegoro, kabupaten Boyolali, provinsi Jawa Tengah LEMBAR SALATIGA 1408-613 LEMBAR KARANGGEDE 1408-614 KOORDINAT 9197600-9206600 mN 443575-449575 mE ispublished: unpub subjects: QE divisions: Teknik_Geologi keywords: Geomorphology, Geological Structure, Stratigraphy, Porosity Analysis, Permeability = Geomorfologi, Struktur Geologi, Stratigrafi, Analisis Porositas, Permeabilitas abstract: Administratively, the research area covers Jatilawang Village and its surroundings, Wonosegoro District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province. The research area is included in the Geological Map of the Salatiga Sheet and the Karanggede Sheet (Sukardi and Budhitrisna 1992). Geographically the research area is located at 9197600 - 9188600 mU and 455575 - 461575 mT with an area of ± 54 km² (9 km x 6 km). The research method used is the geological surface mapping method. This method is carried out by direct observation of geological data exposed on the surface of the earth, including: rock types, rock layers, rock slopes, contact boundaries, geological structures and other geological phenomena. Based on detailed mapping results and based on morphometric and morphogenetic calculations: Denudational hill and slope geomorphological unit (D1). Denudational undulating geomorphological unit (D2). Weak undulating geomorphological unit - strong volcanic hills (V6). Strong undulating geomorphological unit-volcanic hills (V7). Weak wavy geomorphological unit (F6). The stratigraphic relationship of the study area is composed of three units sorted from old to young, namely carbonate sandstone units of the Kerek Formation, inseparable volcanic andesite breccia units, alluvial deposit units. Crane using the rock core weighing method and the gas permeameter method. Based on the results of the porosity analysis, the range of porosity values for the Kerek carbonate sandstone is 4.220% in the Ignored category. Based on the results of permeability analysis, the permeability range of the Kerek carbonate sandstones is 10.819. mD with good value classification. So based on the results of porosity and permeability analysis, the Kerek carbonate sandstone is considered a poor reservoir rock = Secara administratif daerah penelitian meliputi Desa Jatilawang dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Wonosegoro, Kabupaten Boyolali, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Daerah penelitian termasuk dalam Peta Geologi Lembar Salatiga dan Lembar Karanggede (Sukardi dan Budhitrisna 1992). Secara geografis daerah penelitian terletak pada 9197600 - 9188600 mU dan 455575 - 461575 mT dengan luas ± 54 km² (9 km x 6 km). Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah dengan metode pemetaan geologi permukan (geological surface mapping). Metode tersebut dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengamatan langsung data-data geologi yang tersingkap di permukan bumi, meliputi: jenis batuan, perlapisan batuan, kemiringan batuan, batas kontak, struktur geologi serta gejala-gejala geologi lain. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan secara rinci dan berdasarkan perhitungan morfometri dan morfogenesa: Satuan geomorfologi perbukitan dan lereng denudasional (D1). Satuan geomorfologi bergelombang kuat-perbukitan 2 denudasional (D2). Satuan geomorfologi bergelombang lemah - kuat-perbukitan Vulkanik (V6). Satuan geomorfologi bergelombang kuat-perbukitan Vulkanik (V7). Satuan geomorfologi bergelombang lemah (F6). Hubungan stratigrafi daerah penelitian tersusun tiga satuan yang diurutkan dari tua ke muda yaitu satuan batupasir karbonatan Formasi Kerek, satuan breksi andesit Gunung Api tak terpisahkan, satuan Endapan Aluvium Berdasarkan hasil analisa laboratorium sampel batupasir karbonatan tersebut khusus pada daerah penelitian menganalisis porositas dan permeabilitas dari batupasir karbonatan Kerek dengan mengunakan metode penimbangan inti batuan dan metode gas permeameter. Berdasarkan hasil analisa porositas, nilai kisaran porositas batupasir karbonatan Kerek 4,220% dengan kategori Diabaikan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa permeabilitas, nilai kisaran permeabilitas batupasir karbonatan Kerek 10,819. mD dengan klasifikasi nilai baik. 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Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta. document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/1/ilovepdf_merged%20%2899%29.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/2/BAB%201%20PENDAHULUAN.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/3/BAB%202%20METODE%20PENELITIAN.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/4/BAB%203%20Geologi%20Regional.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/5/BAB%204%20GEOLOGI%20DAERAH%20PENELITIAN.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/6/BAB%205%20STUDI%20KHUSUS.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/7/BAB%206%20KESIMPULAN.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/13/PPT%20SIDANG%20TA.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/8/Karya%20ilmiah.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/9/DAFTAR%20PUSTAKA.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/10/LAMPIRAN%20PETROGRAFI.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/11/PERHITUNGAN%20SAMPEL%20-%20POROSITAS%20DAN%20PERMEABELITAS.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5457/12/PETA%20LP_merged.pdf