TY - UNPB PB - Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta N2 - PT. Sinar Terang Mandiri merupakan perusahaan kontraktor yang bergerak dalam penambangan dengan komoditas nikel. Salah satu proyek penambangnnya bekerja sama dengan PT. Hengjaya Mineralindo yang memiliki IUP di Desa Tangofa dan Bete ? Bete, Bungku pesisir, Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah. Kegaiatan penambangan dilakukan dengan system tambang terbuka dengan metode open pit. Rancangan penambangan dibuat berdasarkan produktivitas setiap harinya. Target produktivitas material ditentukan berdasarkan ketersedian alat yang dipakai perusahaan yaitu sebesar 297,92 Ton/jam dalam 1 fleet, target Produktivitas berupa saprolite ore tersebut dilakukan pada 1 fleet dan 1 shift. Pada produktivitas aktual dari kombinasi alat gali ? muat excavator SY365H sebesar 294,62 Ton/jam sedangkan alat angkut Dump Truck Shacman sebesar 264,80 Ton/jam belum mencapai target yang diinginakan perusahaan pada kegiatan Hauling Saprolite Dari ETO (Exportable Transit Ore) CW-05 (Central West 05) Ke ETO Temporary CE (Central East) Lama.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketidaktercapaian target produktivitas disebabkan beberapa faktor, yaitu kondisi front kerja, pola pemuatan, efesiensi kerja dan waktu edar untuk mencapai target produktivitas yang telah direncanakan oleh perusahaan, sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan front kerja menjadi 12 meter, pola pemuatan menjadi top loading, waktu edar alat angkut 43,37 dan efesiensi kerja alat gali ? muat meningkat mechanical availability (MA) sebar 95% dan effective utilization (EU) 67% dan angkut efesiensi kerja mechanical availability (MA) sebsar 96% dan effective utilization (EU) 79%. Setelah dilakukannya pengoptimalan tersebut diperoleh hasil produktivitas alat gali ? muat sebesar 335,50 Ton/Jam dan alat angkut sebesar 312,08 Ton/jam.Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas alat gali ? muat dan alat angkut harus mengurangi kehilangan waktu sehingga efesinsi kerja dapat secara optimal dan memperbaiki jalan angkut dan melakukan perawatan pada jalan angkut agar meningkatkan kecepatan dari alat angkut dalam keadaan travel bermuatan 16,97 km/jam sementara dalam keadaan travel kosong menjadi 22,28 km/jam, agar waktu edar alat angkut menjadi lebih baik. = PT. Sinar Terang Mandiri is a contracting company engaged in mining with nickel commodities. One of the mining projects is in collaboration with PT. Hengjaya Mineralindo which has an IUP in Tangofa and Bete ? Bete Villages, Bungku Pesisisir, Morowali, Central Sulawesi. Mining activities are carried out with an open-pit mining system using the open pit method. Mining designs are made based on daily productivity. The material productivity target is determined based on the availability of tools used by the company, which is 297.92 Tons/hour in 1 fleet, the productivity target in the form of saprolite ore is carried out in 1 fleet and 1 shift. The actual productivity of the combination of excavator and loader SY365H is 294.62 Tons/hour while the Shacman Dump Truck transportation equipment of 264.80 Tons/hour has not reached the target desired by the company in the Saprolite Hauling activity from ETO (Exportable Transit Ore) CW-05 (Central West 05) to ETO Temporary CE (Central East) Old. Based on the results of the research, the failure to achieve the productivity target is due to several factors, namely the condition of the work front, loading pattern, work efficiency and circulation time to achieve the productivity target that has been planned by the company, so that it is necessary to improve the work front to 12 meters, the loading pattern to top loading, the circulation time of transportation equipment is 43.37 and the work efficiency of excavation and loading equipment has increased mechanical availability (MA) is 95% and effective utilization (EU) is 67% and work efficiency is 96% and effective utilization (EU) is 79%. After the optimization, the productivity of excavation and loading equipment was 335.50 Tons/Hour and transportation equipment was 312.08 Tons/hour.To increase the productivity of excavating equipment and transport equipment, it is necessary to reduce time loss so that work efficiency can be optimally and improve the transport road and carry out maintenance on the transport road in order to increase the speed of the transport equipment in the state of loaded travel of 16.97 km/h while in the state of empty travel to 22.28 km/h, so that the circulation time of the means of transport becomes better. AV - restricted A1 - RAMDANIA, CICI TI - Kajian teknis optimasi produktivitas alat gali muat dan alat angkut pada kegiatan hauling saprolite dari ETO CW 05 ke eto temporary ce lama di PT. Sinar Terang Mandiri Site Hengjaya Mineralindo Tangofa, Bungku Pesisir, Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah M1 - other KW - Produktivitas KW - Efesiensi Kerja KW - Metode One Way ANOVA = Productivity KW - Work Efficiency KW - One Way ANOVA Method UR - https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/5005/ ID - ITNYREPOID5005 Y1 - 2024/07// ER -