%C Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta (ITNY) %T Review of The volcanosetting concept to discover the precious metal mineralization in Sunda Arc, Indonesia: a Approach Proposal for Mineral Exploration %A Okki Verdiansyah %A Hill Gendoet Hartono %A Oky Sugarbo %L ITNYREPOID4896 %X Indonesia have several worldclass mineralization deposits in its Tertiary magmatic belt. Many mineralization in Indonesia, especially in the Sunda belt, is generally formed in ancient volcanic systems and so far no research has been conducted on the direct relationship between the volcanism and mineralization systems present therein. Based on that, for the preliminary we need to review the concept of volcanism, the product and the presences of mineralization that’s perhap can be used as a references for a more appropriate research rationale and leading accelerate the discovery of precious metals. The method we use is qualitative methods, from analysis of ocurences of mineralization, volcanomorphology, and concept of recent volcanoes as a limitation of the fact. Physiography of the Eastern Sunda shows two main complexes namely igneous rock formation and volcanoes on the south side, the characters of magmatism and volcanism in Tertiary, are likely similar to those formed today. The character of volcanism can be used as a reference pattern of eruption and formation of rocks on the surface, and possibly under the surface such as intrusion or batolite. The evolution of Quaternary volcanoes on the East Sunda path shows the evolution of morphology and magmatism that looks increasingly young to the west. All volcano complex are interpreted have one to two central facies, that creates a caldera system and following with few central volcanic eruptions as a single volcanic system. If the number of central eruptions increases then it is interpreted more active and complex the volcanic system and can be forming the great hydrothermal system. The simply volcanosetting concept, the volcanic facies, can be used to facilitate the discovery of deposits as a limitation of exploration area. Keywords: volcano, mineralization, exploration, precious metal, Sunda Arch %D 2021 %K volcano, mineralization, exploration, precious metal, Sunda Arch