eprintid: 4454 rev_number: 34 eprint_status: archive userid: 15 dir: disk0/00/00/44/54 datestamp: 2024-05-28 03:12:39 lastmod: 2024-05-28 03:12:39 status_changed: 2024-05-28 03:12:39 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Hakim 410016008, M.Iqbal contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_name: Isnawan, Dianto contributors_name: Trianda, Obrin title: Geologi dan kualitas dan karakteristik batu gamping terumbu bulu sebagai bahan baku semen portland daerah Porangparing dan sekitarnya,Kecamatan Sukolilo,Kabupaten Pati ,Provinsi Jawa Tengah ispublished: unpub subjects: QE divisions: sch_civ keywords: Kata kunci: geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi, geologi lingkungan, batugamping klastik Bulu, bahan baku semen. Keywords: geomorphology, stratigraphy, geological structure, environmental geology, Bulu Clastic Limestone, cement raw material. abstract: Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengenai pembagian satuan geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi, dan geologi lingkungan di daerah penelitian. Pembagian satuan bentuk lahan mencakup tiga satuan, yaitu Satuan geomorfik karst, Satuan geomorfik denudasional Bukit Sisa Terisolasi, dan Satuan geomorfik fluvial Unit Geomorfologi Hampir Datar. Stratigrafi daerah penelitian terdiri dari tiga satuan batuan, yaitu Satuan batupasir karbonatan Ngrayong, Satuan batugamping Bulu, dan Satuan endapan alluvial. Struktur geologi daerah penelitian terutama ditandai oleh perlapisan (masif, berlapis), menunjukkan adanya proses struktur geologi secara primer. Selain itu, terdapat struktur sekunder berupa kekar yang terbentuk setelah pembentukan batuan. Geologi Lingkungan daerah penelitian mencakup dua aspek, yaitu sumber daya alam dan pengembangan wilayah. Sumber daya alam yang dimanfaatkan adalah sumber daya tanah untuk pertanian dan perkebunan, serta sumber daya air baik dari air permukaan maupun mata air. Potensi pengembangan wilayah mencakup pertanian, perkebunan, dan hutan satwa. Studi masalah khusus dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan kualitas batugamping klastik Bulu sebagai bahan baku semen portland. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa batugamping terumbu Bulu pada Lp 28 memenuhi kriteria batugamping untuk bahan baku semen, sementara pada Lp 51 tidak memenuhi kriteria karena nilai CaO yang tidak memenuhi syarat, yang penting dalam proses pengerasan semen. Kata kunci: geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi, geologi lingkungan, : This research focuses on the classification of geomorphological units, stratigraphy, geological structures, and environmental geology in the study area. The classification of landform units includes three categories: Karst geomorphic unit, Denudational Isolated Hill Unit, and Nearly Flat Fluvial Geomorphological Unit. The stratigraphy of the study area consists of three rock units: Ngrayong Carbonate Sandstone Unit, Bulu Limestone Unit, and Alluvial Deposit Unit. The geological structure of the study area is primarily characterized by layering (massive, layered), indicating the presence of primary geological processes. Additionally, secondary structures such as faults are observed, which formed after the rock formation. The environmental geology of the study area comprises two aspects: natural resource utilization and regional development. The natural resources exploited include fertile soil for agriculture and plantations, as well as abundant surface water and springs. The potential for regional development lies in agriculture, plantations, and wildlife forests. The specific issue studied is the quality of Bulu Clastic Limestone as a raw material for Portland cement production. The chemical composition analysis of the rock and its compliance with the standard requirements for cement raw materials reveal that Bulu Clastic Limestone at Lp 28 meets the criteria for cement raw material, although the SiO2 and Al2O3 values fall slightly short. However, the essential parameters to consider are the CaO and MgO values. At Lp 51, although the MgO, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 content meet the requirements, the CaO content does not meet the standard, making it unsuitable as a cement raw material due to the crucial role of CaO in the cement hardening process. 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