eprintid: 3684 rev_number: 18 eprint_status: archive userid: 15 dir: disk0/00/00/36/84 datestamp: 2022-04-13 05:01:52 lastmod: 2022-04-13 05:01:52 status_changed: 2022-04-13 05:01:52 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Steven Oersted Beaij, 410016080 contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_type: http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/THS contributors_name: ., Ir.Sukartono, M.T. contributors_name: ., Herning Dyah Kusuma Wijayanti, S.T., M.Eng title: GEOLOGI DAN ANALISIS KUALITAS AIR TANAH DAERAH GEMANTAR DAN SEKITARNYA KECAMATAN MONDOKAN , KABUPATEN SRAGEN, PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH ispublished: pub subjects: QE keywords: Kualitas Air tanah, Gemantar, air bersih. abstract: Uji kualitas air tanah di Daerah Gemantar dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Mondokan, Kabupaten Sragen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air tanah pada daerah penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa pemetaan lapangan, pengukuran fisik air, pengambilan sampel air, serta analisis laboratorium. Hasil analisis kimia kualitas airtanah yang dilakukan terhadap 2 sampel di daerah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 1 sampel yang tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih menurut Peraturan No.416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Air tanah, Gemantar, air bersih. ABSTRACT The groundwater quality test in Gemantar and surrounding areas, Mondokan District, Sragen Regency, Central Java Province, was conducted to determine the quality of groundwater in the study area. The research methods used are field mapping, physical measurements of water, water sampling, and laboratory analysis. The results of the chemical analysis of groundwater quality conducted on 2 samples in the research area showed that there was 1 sample that did not meet the clean water quality standards according to Regulation No.416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990. 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Penguin Books Ltd. ………Harmondsworth, U.K. 495 p. citation: Steven Oersted Beaij, 410016080 (2022) GEOLOGI DAN ANALISIS KUALITAS AIR TANAH DAERAH GEMANTAR DAN SEKITARNYA KECAMATAN MONDOKAN , KABUPATEN SRAGEN, PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta. document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/1/cover-digabungkan.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/2/BAB%20I%20skripsi-dikonversi.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/3/BAB%20II.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/4/BAB%20III.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/5/BAB%20IV.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/6/BAB%20V%20DAN%20KESIMPULAN.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/7/DAFTAR%20PUSTAKA-dikonversi.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/8/lampiran%20%20konsul%201-merged.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/9/peta%20Geologi%20fiks.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/10/peta%20Geomorfologi.pdf document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3684/11/peta%20lp.pdf