<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "QUANTITATIVE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LANDFORM AT \r\nSAMIGALUH AND SURROUNDING AREA, \r\nWEST PROGO, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA"^^ . "Samigaluh and its surrounding area in West Progo Regency is a part of West Progo Hills \r\nphysiographic zone that has steep denudational hilly morphology. Field geomorphological survey has \r\nbeen conducted in this area to reveal the landscape characteristics quantitatively. Quantitative \r\ngeomorphology study was conducted on the dimension or morphometric of landscape at some \r\nlocation of hills and streams. Morphometric aspects that have been analyzed include elevation (h) and \r\nslope (α) of regions or hills as well as some response variables of stream morphology that include \r\nvalley floor-height ratio (Vf), valley cross section (Vr), river gradient index (SL) and drainage density \r\n(Dd). The results showed that the response variables of morphology in the study area have variation in \r\nvalues. Average value of elevation (h) is 415 m, slope is 42.2%, Vf is 1.04, Vr is 0.68, SL is 180.7 \r\nand Dd is 0.38 / km2\r\n. Analysis of the relationship between several variables of morphometry showed \r\nthe low to very low correlation value, with the highest correlation value is 21.29% only shown by the \r\nrelationship between elevation (h) to valley floor-height ratio (Vr)."^^ . "2017-11-24" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Adjat"^^ . "Sudradjat"^^ . "Adjat Sudradjat"^^ . . "T.Listyani"^^ . "R.A."^^ . "T.Listyani R.A."^^ . . "Nana"^^ . "Sulaksana"^^ . "Nana Sulaksana"^^ . . "BYCSSS"^^ . "Alam"^^ . "BYCSSS Alam"^^ . . . . "2nd Conference FRD Utsunomiya - FTG Padjadjaran"^^ . . . . . "Utsunomiya, Japan"^^ . . . . . . "QUANTITATIVE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LANDFORM AT \r\nSAMIGALUH AND SURROUNDING AREA, \r\nWEST PROGO, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "C5.3. Utsunomiya lengkap reduce.pdf"^^ . . . "QUANTITATIVE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LANDFORM AT \r\nSAMIGALUH AND SURROUNDING AREA, \r\nWEST PROGO, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #3592 \n\nQUANTITATIVE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF LANDFORM AT \nSAMIGALUH AND SURROUNDING AREA, \nWEST PROGO, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)"@en . .