eprintid: 3078 rev_number: 7 eprint_status: archive userid: 10 dir: disk0/00/00/30/78 datestamp: 2021-11-22 04:38:00 lastmod: 2022-09-28 04:48:31 status_changed: 2021-11-22 04:38:00 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Astuti, Bernadeta Subandini creators_id: bernadeta.palguno@gmail.com title: Tectonic Influence on Change in Neogen Sediment Supply Western Part of North Serayu basin_NASIONAL ispublished: pub subjects: QE divisions: sch_civ keywords: Tectonic Influence; North Serayu Basin; Petroleum System; Sea Level abstract: Western part of North Serayu Basin composed of Neogene sequence; Halang, Pemali and Rambatan Formation. The oil seeps discovery in this area is an indication of the presence an active petroleum system. Active tectonic condition occur coincidence with the time of deposition. The tectonic influence on change in sediment supply will be the subject of this research. The combinations of subsidence, eustatic and sediment supply are corresponding to the accommodation space, moreover to the type of sediment which is deposited. The quantity and rate of sediment supply to the basin are closely related to the tectonic activity. In the context of Petroleum Potential, study of sediment supply will provide information about the potential source rock, reservoir and caprock that developed in the research area. 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International Journal of Engineering and Science Applications, 3. pp. 61-68. ISSN 2406-9833 document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3078/1/11.%20S.%20Tectonic_Influence_on_Change_in_Neogen_Sediment_Su.pdf