eprintid: 3066 rev_number: 17 eprint_status: archive userid: 65 dir: disk0/00/00/30/66 datestamp: 2021-11-19 07:35:47 lastmod: 2021-11-24 08:07:03 status_changed: 2021-11-19 07:35:47 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Bernadeta Subandini Astuti, . title: Peer Review : IDENTIFIKASI PROVENANCE SELAMA MIOSEN TENGAH HINGGA PLIOSEN DICEKUNGAN SERAYU UTARA BAGIAN BARAT DI DAERAH KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT ispublished: pub subjects: QE keywords: Keywords: Identification, provenance, Middle Miocene, Pliocene, hydrocarbon potential, North Serayu. Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, provenance, Miosen Tengah, Pliosen, potensi hidrokarbon, Serayu Utara. abstract: ABSTRACT Basinareaof western North Serayuis potentially for hydrocarbon such assource rock, reservoir, cap rock and manife stations of the oil. The basin composed by turbit current sediments during the Middle Mioceneto Pliocene. Petrographic analysis of the mineral quartz, feldspar and lithikh as been done to identify the provenance of rocks potentially hydrocarbon. Turbid currents bringrich sedimentlithic, that indicate origin of themagmatic arc. Lithicis reduced to wards younger and east ward. Reduced lithikindication of declining volcanism. Indications reduced lithikisdeclining volcanism. Rocks of western North Serayu basin, that is origin of this magmaticarcin several places found dead oil and oil see page, especially on the rock that show scoarsening up ward or decreasing the current sea level. Keywords: Identification, provenance, Middle Miocene, Pliocene, hydrocarbon potential, North Serayu. INTISARI Daerah Cekungan Serayu Utara bagian barat berpotensi hidrokarbon, berupa batuan induk, reservoir, batuan penudung, danmanifestasi rembesan minyak bumi.Batuan penyusunnya berupa batuan yang diendapkan oleh arus turbit selama Miosen Tengah hingga Pliosen.Analisis petrografi pada mineral kuarsa, feldspar dan lithik telah dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi provenance dari batuan yang berpotensi hidrokarbon.Arus turbit membawa sedimen kaya lithik, hal tersebut mengindikasikan sumber atau asalmagmatic Arc.Jumlahlithik berkurangkearah yang lebih muda dan kearah timur.Berkurangnya lithikindikasi menurunnya vulkanisme.Batuan Cekungan Serayu Utara bagian barat yang asal magmatic Arcdibeberapa tempat dijumpai adanya dead oil dan oil seepage, khususnya pada batuan yang menunjukkan pengkasaran kearah atas atau saat menurunnya muka laut. Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, provenance, Miosen Tengah, Pliosen, potensi hidrokarbon, date: 2016-02-02 date_type: published publisher: JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA official_url: https://itny.ac.id id_number: JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA ISSN: 1979-8415 Vol. 8 No. 2 Februari 2016 full_text_status: public publication: JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA volume: 8 number: 2 pagerange: 127-132 refereed: TRUE issn: 1979-8415 related_url_url: https://itny.ac.id referencetext: Armandita, C., Mukti, M.M., and Satyana, A. H., 2009, Intra arc transtension duplex of Majalengka to Banyumasarea : prolific petroleum seeps andopportunities in west-central Java border, Indonesian Petroleum Association Annual Convention Proceedings. Astuti, 2012, Stratigrafi dan Sedimentasi Batuan Neogen di Cekungan Serayu Utara, Daerah Kuningan, Jawa Barat – Larangan, Brebes, Jawa Tengah, Thesis, tidak dipublikasikan. 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ISSN 1979-8415 document_url: https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/3066/1/Identifikasi%20provenance%20selama%20Miosen%20Tengah%20hingga%20Pliosen%20di%20Cekungan%20Serayu%20Utara%20bagian%20barat%20di%20daerah%20Kuningan%20Jawa%20Barat%281%29.pdf