eprintid: 3063 rev_number: 12 eprint_status: archive userid: 10 dir: disk0/00/00/30/63 datestamp: 2021-11-18 08:05:45 lastmod: 2021-11-25 01:12:22 status_changed: 2021-11-18 08:05:45 type: conference_item metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Bernadeta Subandini Astuti, . creators_id: bernadeta.palguno@gmail.com title: PEER REVIEW : MICRO TECTONIC AT NORTH SERAYU BASIN, CENTRAL JAVA: CASE STUDY AT TYPE LOCALITY OF RAMBATAN FORMATION ispublished: pub subjects: QE keywords: Rambatan Formation, North Serayu basin, Tectonic, slump abstract: Type location of Rambatan Formation at Pamulihan, Larangan, Brebes, Jawa Tengah, Rambatan Formation occupies in North Serayu Basin. Regional character of Rambatan Formation is deep marine flysch or turbidity current as lower fan. Tectonic active controlled lithology of Rambatan Formation that is quick subsidence at Early Miocene to Late Miocene. Tectonic during Middle Miocene to Pliocene caused the change of sea level three times. Change of sea level, tectonic and supply sediment is related to dynamic sedimentation in basin. The presence of turbidite in general is always associated with hydrocarbon potential. Potential of hydrocarbon in research area are supported by oil seepage. Analysis of micro tectonic will be part of the sedimentation dynamic that is related play hydrocarbon. Tectonic active in type location of Rambatan Formation take place at early Late Miocene (N15 to N16). That bordered between relative deeper marine and shallow marine. Shallow marine begins with the presence of slump at N17. Indication of tectonic are unconformity, change of environmental (deep water and shallow water), and fault association. The dynamics of sedimentation toward tectonic N15 to N16 will be related to the accommodation space. Accommodation space in research area is decrease. It is marked by the environmental change from deeper to shallow marine that is followed by decrease of sea level and increase sedimentation from south date: 2017-11-24 date_type: published official_url: https://itny.ac.id contact_email: library@itny.ac.id full_text_status: public pres_type: paper pagerange: 233-237 event_title: The 2nd Join Conference of Utsunomiya University and Universitas Padjadjaran, Nov.24,2017 event_location: Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung event_dates: 24 November 2017 event_type: conference refereed: TRUE referencetext: Allen, P. A., and Allen, J. R., 2005. Basin Analysis principles and applications, Blackwell publishing, Australia. Astuti, B. S., 2015. Identifikasi provenance selama Miosen Tengah hingga Pliosen di Cekungan Serayu Utara bagian barat di daerah Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Technocientia, Ist. Akprint Astuti, B. S., 2016. 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