eprintid: 2587 rev_number: 14 eprint_status: archive userid: 15 dir: disk0/00/00/25/87 datestamp: 2020-12-12 00:29:28 lastmod: 2020-12-12 00:29:28 status_changed: 2020-12-12 00:29:28 type: conference_item metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Adjat Sudradjat, . creators_name: Hill Gendoet Hartono, . creators_id: asudradjat@yahoo.com creators_id: hillgendoet@sttnas.ac.id title: THE APPLICATION OF VOLCANIC FACIES CONCEPT IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THE “OLD ANDESITE FORMATION” ispublished: pub subjects: QE keywords: volcano facies concept, old andesite formation, ancient volcanoes, base metal and hydrcarbon exploration abstract: Abstract “Old Andesite Formation” was ascribed to the ancient succession of calc alkaline volcanic rocks widely distributed in southern part of Sumatera, Java and parts of Nusa Tenggara. The term “formation” according to Marks (1957) was badly defined and should be rejected. Since this type of rocks is also recognized in many other parts of Indonesia, he suggested to apply the local names for those correlable to the formation. The idea might be in line with the “Stratigraphic Code of Indonesia” published by the Indonesian Association of Geologists (Martodjojo & Djuhaeni, 1996). The formation was first introduced by Verbeek and Fennema (1896) and widely used by Westerveld (1941) and van Bemmelen (1949) describing the Tertiary magmatic activity producing subaerial volcanic deposits. Later it also includes the subaqueous deposits and the secondary products of the rocks. Related to the formation, Soeria-Atmadja et al (1994) concluded that two stages of magmatic activity were recognized, namely at the time spans of 40 Ma to 18 Ma and from 12 Ma to 2 Ma. The former might correspond to the “Old Andesite Formation”, while the latter might have been related to the reactivity of magma producing the proto modern volcanic arcs. An attempt has been made to apply the volcano facies concept introduced among others by Cas and Wright (1987) to describe the ancient volcanic rock successions leading to the reconstruction of the ancient volcanic center locations. In Southern Mountain of Central Java the application of such concept has resulted in the identification of eruption cycles of volcanic activity and the location of volcanic centers within the Tertiary “Old Andesite Formation”. The concept at present becomes an important guide in the regional base metal and hydrocarbon exploration. Keywords: volcano facies concept, old andesite formation, ancient volcanoes, base metal and hydrcarbon exploration Abstrak “Formasi Andesit Tua” merupakan batuan gunungapi hasil suksesi masa lampau yang berkomposisi kapur alkali dan tersebar luas di Sumatra Selatan, Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara. Menurut Marks (1975) istilah “formasi” merupakan definisi yang tidak tepat dan harus diganti. Penggunaan formasi untuk jenis batuan yang dikenal di 1 Professor at Geology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Earth Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia, Email: asudradjat@yahoo.com 2 Doctorate candidate at the Postgraduate Program, Padjadjaran University, Email: hillgendoet@sttnas.ac.id 2 berbagai tempat di Indonesia ini disarankan menggunakan nama lokal. Pemikiran ini sejalan dengan Sandi Stratigrafi Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (Martodjojo & Djuhaeni, 1996). Istilah formasi dikenalkan pertama kali oleh Verbeek dan Fennema (1896) dan digunakan secara luas oleh Westerveld (1941) dan van Bemmelen (1949) untuk menggambarkan kegiatan magmatik Tersier yang menghasilkan endapan gunung api di darat. Kemudian hal ini juga melibatkan endapan bawah laut dan produk sekunder batuan. Berkenaan dengan formasi tersebut, Soeria-Atmadja (1994) menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua periode kegiatan magmatisme yaitu pada rentang waktu 18 jtl – 40 jtl dan dari 2 jtl – 12 jtl. Produk magmatisme yang tua berhubungan dengan “Formasi Andesit Tua”, sementara yang berikutnya berhubungan dengan aktivasi ulang yang menghasilkan busur gunungapi masa kini. Cas dan Wright (1987) telah mencoba menerapkan konsep fasies gunung api untuk menggambarkan suksesi batuan gunung api masa lampau dan merekonstruksi lokasi pusat gunung api. Penerapan konsep ini di Pegunungan Selatan Jawa Tengah telah dapat mengidentifikasi perulangan erupsi kegiatan gunung api dan lokasi pusat gunung api yang menghasilkan “Formasi Andesit Tua” berumur Tersier. Konsep ini menjadi penunjuk yang sangat penting di dalam eksplorasi logam dasar dan hidrokarbon secara regional. Kata kunci: konsep fasies gunungapi, formasi andesit tua, gunungapi purba, eksplorasi logam dasar dan hidrokarbon date: 2006-09 date_type: published official_url: https://itny.ac.id contact_email: library@sttnas.ac.id full_text_status: public pres_type: paper pagerange: 261-267 event_title: International Interdisciplinary Conference, Volcano International Gathering 2006 event_location: . event_dates: September 2006 event_type: conference thesis_type: other thesis_name: other refereed: TRUE referencetext: References: Audley-Charles, M.G., 1981, Geometrical Problems and Implications of Large-scale Overthrusting in Banda Arc- Australian Margin Collision Zone, Thrust and Nappe Tectonics, Geological Society of London, Special Publ., 9 ------------, 1986, Timor-Tanimbar Trough: The Foreland Basin to the Evolving Banda Orogen, Foreland Basin, International Assoc. of Sedimentologists, Special Publ., 8 Barber, A.J., 1981, Structural Interpretation of the Island of Timor, Eastern Indonesia, Research and Development Center, Bandung, Indonesia, Special Publ., 2 --------------, 1985, The Relationship Between the Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and Hydrocarbon Occurrences, Tectonostratigraphic Terraces of The Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, 1 Bogie, I., and Mackenzie, K.M., 1998, The application of a volcanic facies models to an andesitic stratovolcano hosted geothermal system at Wayang Windu, Java, Indonesia, Proceed. 20th NZ Geothermal Workshop, pp 265-276. 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