@inproceedings{ITNYREPOID1040, pages = {598--604}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016}, title = {The Potential of Halang Formation as Hidrocarbon Reservoir}, author = {Bernadeta Subandini Astuti and A. F . Rizqi}, month = {October}, keywords = {Serayu Utara, reservoir, halang, dead oil, pebbly sandstone}, url = {https://repository.itny.ac.id/id/eprint/1040/}, abstract = {Regionally, research area included in the western part of north Serayu basin which filled by the product of submarine fan turbidite composed by Pemali, Halang, and Rambatan Formation. Based on the stratigraphy sequence approach, the stratigraphy relationship is interfingering. On those basin, there are oilseeps and gas also dead oil in Pamedaran area, Cikesal and Wanaasih area. The existence of oil and dead oil also its location type in Cikaro area, Cikesal, and geger Halang. The potential rock as source rock is Merawu formation and the lower part of Pemali. The potential reservoir in Merawu formation and reef limestone of Sigugur formation and Halang Formation. This research is purposed for taking the geology data which area related to Halang Formation which is used to determine the hydrocarbon potential reservoir rock of Halang Formation. Halang Formation has age at N18 (upper miocene) to N19 (pliocene), with the lithology such as andesite breccias, pebbly sandstone, and the repeated of carbonate claystone and the carbonate sandstone. The pebbly sandstone which is specific to mid fan facies has good porosity and permeability, it also would be proved by the presence of dead oil on field. Keyword : Serayu Utara, reservoir, halang, dead oil, pebbly sandstone} }